Access to financial and digital empowerment Inclusive financial systems are key to Con t e achieving economic and societal progress. xt and Appr However, there are several barriers to access o including geographical challenges, lack of ach credit history, and cultural and physical factors such as disability, low financial literacy or an inability to access digital services. Shar ed Gr o wth Ambition Digital is a key enabler for improving financial inclusion and health 21% £8bn 1 in 5 45m 1.7bn Gener of the UK population of estimated cost to people of working age in people have no people globally own al S lack basic internet skills UK economy of bad England have a disability credit score and cannot mobile phones but tandar debt per year access mainstream don’t have access to credit in the US financial services d Disclosur Sources: BBC Digital Capabilities Update, StepChange, 2011 Census, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (US), World Bank es Barclays’ role We are improving access to financial services, Specific S With technology moving at such a fast rate, we need to make sure our developing targeted products and services for customers and communities aren’t left behind. We’ve developed a host individuals and small businesses. We also tandar of learning tools to boost access to financial services and improve financial and digital literacy. provide digital and financial literacy tools to d Disclosur Our Digital Eagles network helps more people become empowered to help empower our customers. operate in the digital economy, reduce exclusion and enhance access to es a range of digital tools and services. KP 249,000 MG Assur individuals and small businesses with improved ance S access to financial and digital services ta t 2016 Progress overview emen t Focus areas Progress in 2016 2017 objectives Developing targeted products ■■ Continued to grow Barclaycard Initial Cards ■■ Enhance and advance the and services for individuals and ■■ Barclaycard Anywhere has continued to grow including the launch development of accessible small businesses of an improved bluetooth and contactless payment solution for products and services small businesses Improving accessibility and ■■ Launched Financial Wings ■■ Continue to develop and enhancing financial and digital ■■ Launched UK Money Worries Hub and access to free credit scores enhance learning platforms skills ■■ Continued to roll out Digital Wings platform ■■ Innovate to deliver functionality ■■ Continued to grow our Digital Eagles network to help our customers manage their finances ■■ Develop partnerships to enhance reach Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 10