Colleague engagement and external recognition Colleague engagement ESG ratings and benchmarks Con t e Our people are Barclays’ greatest ambassadors, Our performance is benchmarked by a xt and Appr contributing time, skills and expertise to create range of ESG analysts and rating agencies o a positive and sustainable societal impact. on an annual basis. A summary of 2016 ach performance is available below. In 2016 more than 43,000 colleagues participated in a range of causes, contributing over 212,000 hours, donating a total of almost £25m, including Barclays matched funding. Colleagues also have the opportunity to share their ideas for innovative Shar products or services that can deliver commercial returns for Barclays while addressing a social cause. Each year Barclays Social Innovation Facility ed Gr o (SIF) engages intrapreneurs across our business globally (see case study). Dow Jones Sustainability Index The Dow Jones Sustainability Index wth Ambition (DJSI) tracks the financial performance of the leading sustainability- driven companies worldwide. In 2016, we maintained our membership of both the DJSI World and DJSI Europe Indices. Our score increased to Social Innovation Facility 84% overall (industry average 61%), making this the highest score since Barclays’ inclusion in the Index. Barclays Social Innovation Facility (SIF) is committed to developing FTSE4Good The FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to objectively commercial solutions that directly address societal challenges. measure the performance of companies that meet globally recognised The SIF is a resource available to employees across Barclays business corporate responsibility standards. We have been a member of the Gener divisions and geographies, providing support, networks and funding FTSE4Good index since its inception in 2001. In 2016, our absolute score for products that benefit society. Purpose driven colleagues from the was 3.9/5 (up from 3.6 in 2015). al S UK, US and Asia are engaged through Hackathons, and Innovation MSCI ESG Ratings MSCI is a leading investor-focused ESG ratings tandar Labs. To date, the SIF has incubated more than 40 products within research provider. Barclays maintained a ‘BBB’ rating in 2016. d Disclosur Barclays core business which is driving an ongoing social impact. Sustainalytics ESG Ratings Sustainalytics is a leading provider of ESG “Fostering social innovation in the way we think, work and operate is a priority for Barclays. Through the Social Innovation Facility, B research and analysis, serving investors and financial institutions around es arclays is cultivating an intrapreneurial mind-set where colleagues the world. Barclays ESG score improved to 62 points in 2016, up from are encouraged to think and develop independent ideas in order 61 points in 2015. to bring new perspectives to our businesses and clients.” Barbara Byrne, Awards and recognition Specific S Vice Chair of Barclays Investment Bank ■■ Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership 2016 ‘Partnership of Product innovations supported by Barclays Social Innovation Facility the Year' Award. tandar are created, and lead by intrapreneurs – our innovative purpose-driven ■■ Lender of the Year at the 2016 Education Investor Awards. Barclays d Disclosur colleagues. Barclays top performing talent are given the opportunity has won this in each of the seven years that the awards have run. to spend time at Rise ( in India, the UK, and the US, ■■ Bank or Lender of the Year at the 2016 HealthInvestor Awards. innovating product solutions to the vast challenges outlined in the UN’s Barclays has won for the sixth time in eight years. es Sustainable Development Goals. Selected proposals are then incubated and launched within Barclays, providing meaningful leadership ■■ The Asset Triple A Regional Awards. ‘Best Corporate Green Bond’ - opportunities for the intrapreneurs who created them. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Company US$400 million green bond. ■■ ‘Vulnerable Customer Support Initiative - Creator’ at the Collections KP and Customer Service Awards. MG Assur ■■ The Prince’s Trust Corporate Employee Award in the category ‘Services to Young People’. ance S ■■ Business Disability Forum’s annual Disability Smart Award for Products and Services - business to business category. ta t ■■ Voted 2nd runner up for the 'Best Integrated Report' in the 2016 emen Corporate Register Reporting Awards. t ■■ LifeSkills and Early Careers Team reaccredited with the ‘Inspiring Young Talent’ Award at the BiTC Responsible Business Awards. Recognition ■■ Barclays Social Innovation and Intrapreneur programmes were featured in the Harvard Business Review. ■■ The ‘Barclays Lens’ decision making tool featured within new Transparency International research on Incentivising Ethics – Managing incentives to encourage good and deter bad behaviour. Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 16