The strategic context for our citizenship performance Purpose Strategic goal Stakeholder focus Con t e Barclays seeks to help people achieve Our goal is to become the bank of Our objective is to deliver long-term xt and Appr their ambitions - in the right way choice by providing superior services sustainable value for all our stakeholders and supporting our stakeholders, and assess progress using key o via a commercially successful financial performance metrics and ach business that generates long-term strategic non-financial measures. sustainable returns. Shar ed Gr o Performance Shared Growth Broader non-financial wth Ambition performance and disclosure using a commitments standardised framework See pages 04-16 See pages 17-48 Gener al S To better understand how we are doing, Shared Growth Ambition Global Reporting Initiative disclosures tandar we measure… d Disclosur es Introduction Environmental Social Governance Specific S This report forms part of the full Barclays 2016 Annual Report suite, (ESG) Supplement along with other documents including Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank tandar PLC Annual Reports and other regulatory filings. The suite can be found We recognise specific stakeholder interest in more detailed at This report covers environmental, social technical information and have developed this ESG d Disclosur and governance (ESG) topics that were identified as material to Barclays Supplement (formerly the ‘Citizenship Data Supplement’) to provide and our stakeholders along with disclosures on Barclays’ new citizenship additional data and act as a guide to supporting information in the strategy – Shared Growth Ambition (SGA). Annual Report and other disclosures. The Supplement has been es Barclays continues to align and integrate our citizenship and ESG prepared in accordance with the Core option of the Global Reporting disclosures within our overall annual reporting framework. We are on a Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines as set out on page 17. journey towards further integration – both in terms of disclosures but Definitions and measurement methodologies for our key KP also, more fundamentally, in strategy and performance. performance metrics as well as broader reporting criteria are MG Assur In order to deliver long-term sustainable value, we consider that when published in a separate SGA 2016 Reporting Framework, available at customers and clients do well, so do we. When the communities we live and work in thrive, we do too. And when society prospers, we all do – it’s ance S not one, or the other. These simple concepts help us focus our Shared ta t Growth Ambition – our approach to citizenship and sustainability of the emen business model we operate. t Please refer to the 2016 Strategic Report for further information on how delivering social value is integrated into our business model, strategy and performance measurement framework. This is the primary integrated communication designed to meet the information needs of all our stakeholders. All Annual Report documents are available at Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 02

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 4 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 3 Page 5
Download strategic context
Shared Growth Ambition
Introduction and strategic context Introduction to Shared Growth Access to financing Access to financial and digital empowerment Access to employment The way we do business Colleague engagement and external recognition
G4 disclosures
General Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures-Economic Specific Standard Disclosures-Environmental Specific Standard Disclosures-Social
Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS