About this report Report navigation Con t e Focusing on specific topics that are important to our stakeholders and More information on all Environmental topics can be found primarily on xt and Appr strategically significant to our business performance allows us to pages 35-37, 41-43 and 46-47. address the right issues and provide disclosure on them. One of our More information on all Social topics can be found primarily within the major sustainability milestones in 2016 was the launch of the Shared o Growth Ambition, our new citizenship strategy. During its development GRI’s social indicator pages 38-48 and in the Annual Report. ach we engaged in extensive stakeholder consultation. The insights gained More information on all Governance topics can be found in the Annual from this exercise informed this year’s materiality assessment. Report, including the Corporate governance report, Risk review and on Every year we review our materiality matrix in order to align it with home.barclays/barclays-investor-relations. current trends and the changing context of the business, and reflect A range of case studies, research, policies and additional disclosures are feedback from ongoing stakeholder engagement. As a result of the 2016 available on home.barclays/citizenship. review, we made changes to the matrix and decreased the number of Shar topics from 23 to 18 primarily through grouping topics into broader ed Gr categories. o Please see pages 21-22 for a description of the materiality wth Ambition process. We have presented the results of the 2016 materiality process below and allocated each one of the material topics into an Environmental, Social or Governance category. Gener al S tandar d Disclosur Issues rFHighly significant ocus acr Financial performance es eleoss all cImportance t v an Conduct and compliance t acr Regulatory change oss geogror e stak Remuneration Specific S eholder gr aphies o stak Access to financial services and tandar oups eholders financial empowerment d Disclosur Climate change risks and opportunities Social and environmental financing Transparency es Customer satisfaction F ocus f Cybersecurity and data protection or one or tw Human capital development, incl. diversity and inclusion KP Digital access MG Assur Entrepreneurial support Human rights o k Supply chain management Employability ance S e y stak Direct environmental impact other than GHG emissions Taxation ta t eholder gr emen Significant t oups Importance to Barclays Significant Highly significant Relevant for specific business activities Group-wide significance Strategic relevance for long-term performance Key: Environmental Social Governance, incl. economic impact (refer to Annual Report and our website) home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 03

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 5 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 4 Page 6
Download strategic context
Shared Growth Ambition
Introduction and strategic context Introduction to Shared Growth Access to financing Access to financial and digital empowerment Access to employment The way we do business Colleague engagement and external recognition
G4 disclosures
General Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures-Economic Specific Standard Disclosures-Environmental Specific Standard Disclosures-Social
Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS