Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Product portfolio* Fraud and scams Con Barclays is committed to protecting our customers and has invested t Following the success of the Sustainable Shipment products, a e committee was formed ‘Sustainable Trade Finance Council’ facilitated by significantly in anti-fraud and anti-scam initiatives. As part of this, we xt and Appr Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL), where Barclays have worked hard to educate not just Barclays customers but consumers is represented along with NGOs and other banks. The objective of the more generally about how they can keep themselves safe. o Council is to progress on workstreams and create awareness to banks Barclays is the only UK bank to run above the line TV advertising on ach and corporates on the importance of sustainability. The work done by scams. We have now run three adverts; one which first ran in the council has captured a lot of attention and in 2016, Global Trade January 2016 on account takeover fraud and a further two in September, Review has provided dedicated space in their magazine to provide October and November on email and text scams. Barclays also has over updates to the broader business community on what has been done. 16,000 Digital Eagles in our branches and communities who are there to China was one of the target markets and we have been very successful help anyone, whether they are a Barclays customer or not with in creating awareness on the importance of sustainable financing. information and guidance on staying safe online. Shar Please see barclayscorporate.com/content/dam/corppublic/ In addition, in 2016, Barclays delivered over 240 fraud and scam ed Gr corporate/Documents/research/Investing_in_the_environment.pdf awareness sessions working with local trading standards, the police and o other stakeholders to warn customers and the public on how to avoid wth Ambition Local communities falling victim to fraud and scams. During December we also piloted some Student Fraud Awareness Events covering fraud and scams that Indicator requirement Status affect young people at university and college. FS13* As well as investing in education, Barclays is also delivering new Access points in low-populated or economically disadvantaged innovations to better protect our customers. Barclays has over 200 areas by type. branches participating in a new banking protocol pilot that has been in Omissions operation in the London Metropolitan Police area since 24 October. Initiatives reported represent a selection of examples and The initiative is a multi-agency initiative between financial sector Gener exclude Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). Please refer to organisations, Trading Standards and the police and its aim is to prevent 2016 BAGL Annual Report for details: barclaysafrica.com/ more customers from falling victim to scams whilst providing al S barclaysafrica/Investor-Relations/Announcements-and-publications/ consistency across financial institutions. Alongside supporting banking tandar Annual-and-interim-reports.. colleagues to query transactions, the protocol means colleagues who d Disclosur Our ability to support customers and clients hinges on our ability to have concerns that fraud is taking place can ring 999 and the police will reach them through the channels most convenient and useful to them. attend. The aim is that this scheme, led by the BBA, will roll out We continued with our multi-channel programme which included the nationally next year. es reshaping of our network to more closely reflect market opportunities Barclays also uses transaction profiling as a real time fraud control which and our customer base. The ongoing investment in digitization, pro-actively identifies out-of-character payments across our banking innovation, intensified focus on developing our people and reinvigorating channels. This allows us to intervene and interact with our customers to the branch and ATM networks. ensure they are happy to make the payment. In addition to this, Barclays Specific S has a dedicated team focused on preventing investment fraud, scams Personal Banking and beneficiary accounts. We have developed a series of controls to In the UK, we have analysed Economic Disadvantage/Low population detect potential victims of investment scams, allowing us to stop our tandar density using Local Authority (LA) boundaries – these divide the United Kingdom into 377 zones. We have used a combination of data sourced customers falling victim with some great successes seen in 2016. d Disclosur from poverty.org.uk (e.g. benefits claimed, pension credits, Power of Attorney and delegated access unemployment, low wages) together with populations drawn from the We have developed a tool to support colleagues when having es 2011 UK Census to identify 65 LAs that might be described as areas conversations with customers about delegating access to ensure they under economic stress. 229 of our branches (18%) are present in these help them to make the right choices to suit the support they need whilst areas, a number which has reduced by 11 in 2016 (19% of closures). maintaining their independence and control. 22% of our remote ATM estate is present in these LAs. By way of The customer experience for registering a Power of Attorney with us has KP comparison 20% of our competitors’ branches are present in these LAs. been improved by automating the process that colleagues follow in our MG Assur Our low historic branch presence in Scotland impacts the comparisons, branches. This means that in simple cases, customers can register their with Scotland having many of the lowest density LAs. Power of Attorney on the day in the branch and it will be effective Our reach into these areas of economic stress is unchanged, remaining immediately. ance S at 18% as it was at the end of 2015. ta We have also improved in the moment support for our colleagues t allowing them to answer complex questions from customers in a quicker emen Indicator requirement Status and more accurate way. Barclays has also produced a guide for new t FS14* attorneys to help them understand their roles and responsibilities and Initiatives to improve access to financial services for what we can do to support them. disadvantaged people. Omissions Initiatives reported represent a selection of examples and exclude Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). Please refer to 2016 BAGL Annual Report for details: barclaysafrica.com/ barclaysafrica/Investor-Relations/Announcements-and-publications/ Annual-and-interim-reports. Note * Financial Services Sector Disclosures document home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 47