Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Local communities Con t Mobile Banking app accessibility e Barclays mobile banking, Pingit and the Barclaycard mobile apps on the xt and Appr Apple operating platform have been re-accredited by external accessibility experts AbilityNet for the second year running – highlighting o our efforts to ensure that we deliver the best experiences to the ach broadest customer base possible – particularly disabled and older users. In 2016, we have also broadened accessibility accreditations to include the Barclays Mobile Banking and PingIt Android apps. It gives us greater assurances that our mobile channels are accessible to all, including disabled and older people as well as the external recognition that we are serious and committed to the accessibility agenda. Shar Accessibility Digital Wings module ed Gr We recognise that in addition to digital inclusion programmes, there is a o growing need to ensure all individuals can make the most of digital wth Ambition technologies and are armed with the know-how to adjust accessibility settings to make their IT easier to see, hear, understand and use. In association with AbilityNet, we launched the Making technology easier to use Digital Wings module (digital. wings.uk.barclays/making-technology-easier-to-use-in-association- with-abilitynet/) – a free online learning resource containing engaging videos and guidance. By up-skilling customers on digital accessibility and educating them on how best to optimise the technology they use, Gener we are supporting all customers to become digitally included and al S empowered regardless of their age or abilities. tandar B2B Accessibility portal d Disclosur We launched the Corporate Bank B2B Accessibility portal (barclayscorporate.com/insight-and-research/managing- your-business/making-your-business-accessible.html), providing es information and inspiration to other businesses on why accessibility matters to Barclays and society at large, including useful case studies and best practices from us and other organisations. We also open- source our accessibility standards and other useful resources on our Specific S supplier code of conduct site, helping to ensure that suppliers are clear on what we expect and require. tandar Simpler security We implemented a number of inclusive customer service enhancements d Disclosur throughout 2016 such as Barclays Mobile Banking fingerprint touch authentication – making customers’ lives easier. We recognize that PINs es and passcodes can be a real barrier for those with sight, dexterity, dyslexia or memory difficulties through consultation. High visibility cards, audio cash machines and Sign Video KP Barclays continues to provide and see demand for our high visibility MG Assur debit cards, our audio cash machines and our SignVideo service for customers who use British Sign Language. bPay ance S ta bPay is a range of contactless payment devices, based around a pre-paid t account that links to most major credit or debit cards. bPay works like a emen contactless card and can be used to pay for anything under £30. bPay t may be helpful for people with dexterity problems, sight loss or conditions such as dyslexia who may find chip and pin and chip and card transactions more challenging. We have been working to raise awareness of this product and its potential accessibility benefits. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 48