General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Identified material aspects and boundaries Indicator requirement Status Con The following restatements apply this year to previously reported t e 2015 data: G4-26 xt and Appr Report the organisation’s approach to stakeholder engagement, 2015 new 2015 old including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder b Metric (2016 AR) (2015 AR) group, and an indication of whether any of the engagement was o Energy (MWh) 912,825 1,214,868 undertaken specifically as part of the report preparation process. ach a Disclosure Carbon (tCO e) 489,621 701,600 2 3 Barclays key stakeholder groups Total water withdrawal by source (m ) 1,220,152 1,187,814 Total water withdrawal by source (coverage) 72% 42% a. Including fugitive emissions for all years apart from 2012. Shar b. Excluding Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). Customers and Clients ed Gr o Indicator requirement Status wth Ambition G4-23 Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in NGOs and Employees the Scope and Aspect Boundaries. Interest Groups Disclosure There were no significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries apart from the exclusion of Barclays information for Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). Please refer to Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) Integrated Gener Report and other disclosures available at al S barclaysafrica/Investor-Relations/Announcements-and-publications/ Suppliers Shareholders tandar Annual-and-interim-reports. d Disclosur Stakeholder engagement Government Indicator requirement Status and Regulators es G4-24 Provide a list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation. Disclosure Stakeholder insight and engagement is vitally important to ensuring we Specific See below serve our customers, clients, communities and our shareholders to the S best of our ability. tandar Indicator requirement Status Our dedicated teams take an integrated approach to engaging with each d G4-25 stakeholder group; maintaining ongoing dialogue, focusing our priorities Disclosur Report the basis for identification and selection of stakeholders and holding us to account. with whom to engage. Through our code of conduct The Barclays Way and our decision making es Disclosure framework The Barclays Lens we embed stakeholder accountability into Extensive market research programmes help confirm that Barclays the way we do business and our decision making. engagement programmes both target and reach key stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement programmes are reviewed with the help of our KP comprehensive tracking programme. Twice annually, via independent MG Assur research, Barclays engages 2,000 key stakeholders from the NGO, governmental, media, and business sectors to critically access the impact of our work. In addition we research consumers continuously to ance S ensure our products and services are meeting expectations. ta t Stakeholder engagement is increasingly important to us as we deliver emen our Shared Growth Ambition. The opportunities for us to create the t largest positive societal impacts are through collaborations and partnerships; whether this is to provide Access to financing of renewable energy sources or social infrastructure, or helping people gain Access to financial and digital empowerment (all of which are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)). Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 23