Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Environmental Partially disclosed Not disclosed Indicator requirement Status Energy Con t e G4-DMA Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr Disclosure G4-EN3 At Barclays we aim for continuous improvement in mitigating our direct Energy consumption within the organisation environmental impacts, reducing use of natural resources and o preventing pollution. Barclays’ approach to managing environmental Disclosure ach Energy (GWh) impacts is set out in Barclays Environmental Sustainability Policy. 2016 836 As per the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) 2015 913 Regulations 2013, Barclays reports on greenhouse gas emissions as part Coverage of our Annual Directors’ Report. 2016 96% Environmental data is collected and reported for all offices, retail 2015 97% Shar branches and data centres where Barclays has operational control and is Omissions ed Gr financially responsible for the utility supply, and as defined by the World Does not currently include emissions from the use of courier services. o Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable wth Ambition Development (WRI/WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG): A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Editiona. Indicator requirement Status Environmental data from joint ventures, investments, or sub-leased G4-EN5 properties that are owned or leased by Barclays have not been included Energy intensity within the reported figures. Disclosure Environmental data from travel is reported for business-related travel 2016 energy intensity ratio is 433 calculated as Barclays 2016 total 2 only, and excludes commuting travel. energy consumption (kWh) divided by 2016 floor space (m ). Gener Reporting period Indicator requirement Status al S Environmental data for 2013 - 2016 is reported for the periods running G4-EN6 tandar from 1 October to 30 September. Reduction of energy consumption Environmental data prior to 2013 is reported on the basis of Barclays’ Disclosure d Disclosur financial year, running from 1 January to 31 December. Please refer to our website for further details on our energy efficiency programme home.barclays/citizenship/the-way-we- This change in period was adopted in order to meet reporting deadlines do-business/managingenvironmental-impact.html es for the Annual Report and meet reporting requirements under the Companies Act. In 2016, we launched a new target to achieve a 30% carbon reduction All information in this section excludes Barclays Africa Group Limited by 2018 against the 2015 baseline. As part of this, we have a programme (BAGL). to deploy managed energy efficiency initiatives in our property portfolio Specific S to reduce the amount of energy our sites consume. Materials Water tandar Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status d Disclosur G4-EN1 G4-EN8 Materials used by weight or volume 3 Disclosure Water (m ) es Disclosure Our paper consumption in 2016 is presented below. We capture paper 3 Water (m ) purchased data from our Sourcing teams globally. 16 1,104,399 20 Paper purchased (tonnes) 2015 1,218,109 KP 2016 2,248 Coverage MG Assur 2015 2,468 2016 82% 16 Coverage 82% 2015 75% ance S 20 84% ta 2015 t emen t Note a www.ghgprotocol.org home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 35