Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Environmental Partially disclosed Not disclosed Emissions Indicator requirement Status Con t e Indicator requirement Status G4-EN17 xt and Appr G4-EN15 Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3). Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1). Disclosure Scope 3 emissions include global air travel (except BAGL), private cars, rail o Disclosure and taxis in the UK and car hire in the UK, India and the US. Travel-related ach All our greenhouse gas emissions are reported in the emissions cover 99% of travel, and have an accuracy rate of 95%. Annual Report. For further details see our website home.barclays/annualreport Flights (tonnes CO e) 2 Scope 1 building-related emissions include diesel fuel and natural gas for 2016 71,071 our global operations. The report covers 100% of our portfolio by floor 2015 104,389 Private cars (tonnes CO e) Shar space, as defined in the ‘reporting boundaries’ section. For real estate 2 related CO e emissions, 95% of the reported emissions come from data 2016 1,549 2 2015 2,103 ed Gr provided by on-site delegates, invoices and meter readings, as opposed o to estimates. For data centres-related CO e emissions, 100% of the wth Ambition 2 Rail (tonnes CO e) reported emissions come from data provided by on-site delegates, 2 2016 595 invoices and meter readings. 2015 1,191 For company car related CO e emissions, 90% of the reported Taxis (tonnes CO e) 2 2 emissions come from data provided by an expense portal as managed 2016 246 by our HR teams. 2015 343 Car hire (tonnes CO e) Total emissions by scope 2016 (tonnes CO e)1 2 2 2016 538 3 1 1 Scope 1: 19,003 2015 955 Gener 2 Direct combustion of fuels, and company- owned vehicles (from UK only). Scope 1 Omissions al S excludes fugitive emissions. Does not currently include emissions from the use of courier services. tandar 2 Scope 2: 313,240 d Disclosur Purchased electricity and steam for own use. Indicator requirement Status G4-EN18 3 Scope 3: 73,998 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity. es 1. Bar clays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) emissions equate to 272,172tCO e in 2016 and 2 Disclosure 230,307tCO e in 2015. We have excluded Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) from 2 2016 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity ratio is 5.31 tonnes/FTE our reporting boundary as part of our GRI disclosure, however BAGL emissions are included in our Directors Report disclosure. calculated as Barclays total GHG emissions for 2016 divided by 2016 FTE. Omissions Specific S Does not currently include emissions from the use of courier services. Indicator requirement Status G4-EN19 tandar Indicator requirement Status Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. d Disclosur G4-EN16 Disclosure Energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2). In 2016, Barclays set a new carbon reduction target of 30% by the end of Disclosure 2018, against the 2015 baseline. This commitment has been published es Scope 2 emissions are all building-related and include electricity and in the Shared Growth Ambition Citizenship Plan. At the end of 2016 we steam for our global operations. The reporting boundaries are the same achieved a 15.8% reduction against the 2015 baseline. as for scope 1 building-related emissions. Electricity (GWh) KP 2016 759 MG Assur 2015 823 Steam (GWh) ance S 20 16 7 ta t 2015 8 emen t home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 36