Shared Growth Ambition Con t e xt and Appr o ach Shar ed Gr o wth Ambition Gener al S tandar d Disclosur es Specific S tandar d Disclosur es KP MG Assur ance S ta t Growing Underground emen Growing Underground (GU) was part of the first cohort of the UK t Unreasonable Impact programme. It utilises the latest LED lighting and hydroponic growing systems to sustainably grow fresh herbs and salads year-round. Supplying local food services, retail, and farmers’ markets, GU reduces the need to import crops and minimises wasted energy from long-distance food transport. For more details about Unreasonable Impact, refer to page 14. Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 04

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 7 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 6 Page 8
Download strategic context
Shared Growth Ambition
Introduction and strategic context Introduction to Shared Growth Access to financing Access to financial and digital empowerment Access to employment The way we do business Colleague engagement and external recognition
G4 disclosures
General Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures-Economic Specific Standard Disclosures-Environmental Specific Standard Disclosures-Social
Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS