Introduction and strategic context Con t e xt and Appr o ach Shar ed Gr o wth Ambition The Board Reputation Committee is I went into this industry as a young man out of 2016 was an important milestone in the responsible for overseeing our citizenship college because I was fascinated by the evolution of Barclays’ Citizenship journey, with agenda. This includes active engagement in profession of finance: how banks and bankers the launch of our Shared Growth Ambition developing and approving our strategy, can help people, businesses and countries which defines our objectives for the years regularly reviewing our performance against succeed. It mattered to me when I started my ahead. the objectives we have set, and signing off our career and it matters even more today. annual disclosure. In one way or another, finance when delivered Each and every person at Barclays has a role to Gener play in realising our ambition, and we are I am very proud of the work that Barclays does with transparency and integrity makes a working together with our network of clients, al S to improve the economic and social prospects fundamental difference to everyone’s lives. The partners and other stakeholders to collectively tandar of people in the communities we serve. This profession of finance is absolutely integral to achieve the commitments we have made. By report is an important reflection on that work. the successful running and growth of healthy continually focusing our efforts on the d Disclosur It is also a valuable tool which will help us economies, and in giving everyone access to a opportunities that align most closely with our continue to shape and improve our strategy more prosperous future. This is the core focus core strengths as a bank, we will be able to es over the coming years. of our Shared Growth Ambition. have the greatest and most sustainable Citizenship is an integral part of the ethos of I’m immensely proud of the work that is impact. this company, and the Board will continue to reflected in this report. The progress we have Citizenship matters to the future success of our work hard to ensure that we are focused on made in the first year of our Shared Growth business. But it’s not good enough to think, Specific S driving sustainable economic development and Ambition is a significant step towards building wish and hope. We have set out an ambitious social prosperity in the long term. a better Barclays and I’m looking forward to plan, and aspire to act with both integrity and seeing what more we can achieve in the years persistence to deliver against it. tandar to come. Strong progress has been made in 2016 across d Disclosur our businesses and geographical markets. We’re incredibly proud of the growing suite of Sir Gerry Grimstone innovative products, services and partnerships es Deputy Chairman, that Barclays has developed to deliver both Senior Independent Director, societal and commercial value in tandem. Chairman of the Board Reputation Committee We hope you will enjoy reading about our progress to date and our ambition for the KP coming years. MG Assur James E. Staley ance S Group Chief Executive ta t emen Diane Eshleman t Global Head of Citizenship and Reputation Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 05

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 8 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 7 Page 9
Download strategic context
Shared Growth Ambition
Introduction and strategic context Introduction to Shared Growth Access to financing Access to financial and digital empowerment Access to employment The way we do business Colleague engagement and external recognition
G4 disclosures
General Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures-Economic Specific Standard Disclosures-Environmental Specific Standard Disclosures-Social
Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS