Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Barclaycard Product portfolio* Barclaycard Anywhere Con t Digital Wings e Barclays Digital Wings is an online tool available to anyone to use to help Barclaycard Anywhere (BCA) is a mobile point-of-sale solution that was xt and Appr build their knowledge and confidence in the digital world. Partnering created in response to a gap in the market for card acceptance in the with technology experts, Barclays Digital Wings offers a suite of written small business customer segment. The cost effectiveness of utilising customers’ mobile technology means that the proposition appeals to a o modules covering all aspects of digital skills. In 2016, we delivered nine broad range of customers who previously would not have entered the ach new modules in Digital Wings including Cyber Security in partnership market, particularly start-ups and micro businesses who can now offer with Symantec and Making technology easier to use in association with card acceptance to their customers on a pay-as-you-go basis without AbilityNet. We also worked to revamp existing modules, and improved committing to fixed monthly terminal fees. Barclaycard research shows user experience of engaging with the platform. that 32% of people would consider walking away from a purchase if (1) Supporting vulnerable customers they could not pay by card – and 24% have done so in the past year . In our branches, Barclays’ colleagues see customers who they have Small businesses are the lifeblood of the UK economy and BCA Shar concerns about and who need help that Barclays is not able to provide. epitomises the fundamental role that Barclaycard plays in supporting ed Gr and enabling small business growth. BCA has supported 15,000 This may be concerns about the mental capacity of a customer, or o someone we worry might be a victim of financial abuse. We have set up customers to take card payments since launch in 2014. wth Ambition a pilot with Manchester Social Services to help our colleagues A new and improved service that offers Bluetooth and contactless understand when it is appropriate to engage social services about a capability will be launched shortly and this will further help the growth customer we’re concerned about. This pilot is taking place in 3 of our of small businesses. branches and running for 8 weeks, and we are evaluating the results of Barclaycard has also worked with a range of partners including Visa and the pilot to see if it has worked. Colleagues will be trained to understand the Charities Aid Foundation to trial an innovative approach to accepting when it is suitable to engage social services and how to do so, as well as contactless donations as an alternative to cash. A Barclaycard survey has information on the role of other external support agencies, such as highlighted that four in ten citizens say they carry less cash now than charities. they did three years ago, and one in ten admit to walking away from a Gener Savings Goals donation opportunity at least once last year because they were unable al S In November 2016, Barclays launched a new online Savings Goals tool to give using a debit or credit card. The solution has been trialled with 10 tandar available through Barclays Finance Manager. This new online banking national charities, including NSPCC, Oxfam and Barnardos. Results have tool aims to support customers in setting and reaching their savings been very positive and we plan to bring the solution to market in 2017. d Disclosur goals. Whether saving for something in particular, or just for a rainy day, Money Worries Hub we know that having something clear to work towards makes it easier to Financial worries are the biggest single cause of stress among UK adults es achieve. Customers can set up and personalise their savings goals online and very often people do not know where to turn for help and advice. As in three easy steps and track progress whenever they log into Online the largest issuer of credit cards in the UK, Barclaycard launched Money Banking. Throughout 2017, we will be raising awareness of Savings Goals Worries Hub, a digital tool to support customers when they find helping customers to understand the benefits of saving and how this themselves in difficult circumstances. The tool, which is available online new tool can support them. and in our mobile app uses life-like case studies of financially challenging Specific S events such as job loss, relationship changes and medical conditions. Home pathway These case studies help customers relate to situations they may be tandar Through Barclays Home Insurance, customers only pay to cover what facing and demonstrate how Barclaycard can support them when they they want. Instead of one-size-fits-all policies, we provide customers need it most. Approximately 1,000 incremental customers a month d Disclosur with the opportunity to create their own, picking the cover they need make contact with us after accessing the information. rather than paying for cover they don’t. So whether a customer is simply looking to cover a new mountain bike, or want cover for their whole Barclays Corporate and Investment Bank es house and its contents, our policies are designed to grow with them and Barclays offers financing solutions for a number of businesses and their needs and circumstances. governments that generate positive social outcomes, including We do not charge administration fees if a customer’s circumstances supranational agencies, municipalities, health care systems, universities, social housing authorities, and other not-for-profit organisations, KP change and they need to amend or cancel their cover and, unlike other among others. MG Assur insurance policies, a claim on one type of cover will not affect the premium on another when it comes to renewal. In 2016, the Corporate and Investment Bank has enabled £21.1bn in Charity Funds financing towards socially and environmentally beneficial solutions. ance S Select transactions included: ta The Barclays Charity fund was launched on 16 September 2013. It is t designed to give the ‘best of Barclays’ investment thinking to UK ■■ £20m Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) over a five-year term for emen Pembrokeshire Housing Association Limited (PHA). The RCF will allow registered charities. The fund returned 17.6% in 2016 easily meeting its PHA to develop over 440 new social housing homes over the next five t dual investment objectives of providing an income of 3.5% and inflation years and create new jobs in the construction sector by using local protection. It invests over a total of nine asset classes and combines suppliers; negative and positive screening tools. Practically, this means we have excluded direct investment in certain UK equities such as tobacco production and arms. We have also invested in a Green Bond. Where third-party funds have been used the fund manager favours those with the highest Environmental Social Governance (ESG) rating. Note * Financial Services Sector Disclosures document (1) Source: Opinium, July 2016. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 45