General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Organisational profile Indicator requirement Status Con t e Indicator requirement Status G4-16 xt and Appr G4-13 List memberships of associations (such as industry Report any significant changes during the reporting period associations) and national or international advocacy organisations in which the organisation: regarding the organisation’s size, structure, ownership or its o supply chain, including: ach ■■ Holds a position on the governance body ■■ Changes in the location of, or changes in, operations, ■■ Participates in projects or committees including facility openings, closings and expansions ■■ Provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues ■■ Changes in the share capital structure and other capital formation, maintenance and alteration operations (for private ■■ Views membership as strategic sector organisations) Disclosure Shar ■■ Changes in the location of suppliers, the structure of the ■■ Banking Environment Initiative ed Gr supply chain, or in relationships with suppliers, including ■■ Equator Principles o selection and termination wth Ambition ■■ Business in the Community Disclosure In March 2016, we announced the following actions to materially ■■ United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) progress our restructuring and lay the foundations for a period of ■■ Thun Group increased stability and improved performance. ■■ Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) ■■ The creation of two clearly defined divisions, Barclays UK and Barclays International, consistent with the regulatory requirement of Trade associations ringfencing in the UK. Barclays is a member of several trade associations globally. These Gener ■■ associations work to represent their members and shape Sell-down of our 62.3% stake in Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) industry’s collective response to public policy issues. A summary of the key al S to a non-controlling, non-consolidated, position. associations in which we participate is also available on our website – tandar ■■ A one-time increase to Barclays Non-Core, whilst retaining our plan to accelerate the run down our Non-Core business and close it by the d Disclosur end of 2017. Identified material aspects and boundaries Details of the Strategic Review and Group structure can be found in Indicator requirement Status es the Annual Report. Further details can be found on our website at G4-17 List all entities included in the organisation’s consolidated financial statements or equivalent documents. Indicator requirement Status Report whether any entity included in the organisation’s Specific G4-14 consolidated financial statements or equivalent documents is S Report whether and how the precautionary approach or not covered by the report. tandar principle is addressed by the organisation. Disclosure d Disclosure This Report covers Barclays operations globally except for Barclays Africa Disclosur In 2016, we reviewed 410 transactions for environmental or social Group Limited (BAGL). impacts. Refer to page 41 of this document for details. Please refer to Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) Integrated es Indicator requirement Status Report and other disclosures available at barclaysafrica/Investor-Relations/Announcements-and-publications/ G4-15 Annual-and-interim-reports List externally developed economic, environmental and social KP charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation As part of our CRD IV Country by Country Reporting requirements, we MG Assur subscribes or which it endorses. also publish a list of the main entities that Barclays operates around the world and which together contribute over 90% of the Group’s turnover. Disclosure This document is available at the following link ance S ■■ Equator Principles citizenship/reports-and-publications/country-snapshot.html ta t ■■ Green Bond Principles emen ■■ United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) t ■■ Wolfsburg Principles ■■ Soft Commodities Compact (Banking Environment Initiative and Consumer Goods Forum) ■■ Living Wage (UK) ■■ New York Declaration on Forests (2014) ■■ The Paris Pledge for Action (2015) ■■ UN Principles for Responsible Investment (The Barclays UK Retirement fund and Barclays Asset Management Ltd are signatories) Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 20