General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Identified material aspects and boundaries within the non-financial reporting sphere. We also considered alignment Con with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and first round t e Indicator requirement Status of recommendations produced by the Financial Stability Board Task xt and Appr G4-18 Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. Explain the process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries. 2. Prioritisation of relevant topics o Outcomes of the stakeholder engagement and desktop study were ach Explain how the organisation has implemented the Reporting presented to the working group for prioritisation. As in 2015, the working Principles for Defining Report Content. group comprised representatives from different parts of the business, Disclosure chosen for their specialised knowledge of different stakeholder groups Ω (including Reputation Risk and Environmental Risk, Group Strategy, Materiality process description Investor Relations, HR, Insights and Research, Citizenship). 1. 2016 process for defining report content, aspect boundaries and Prioritisation of relevant topics was based on two main assessments: the Shar material topics Every year, we revisit our materiality process to ensure that previous influence they have on our stakeholders and their importance to ed Gr Barclays. We have made the following judgements: a topic was o assessments are still valid and to assess if any additional relevant topics considered to have a high influence on stakeholders if it: a) influences wth Ambition need to be considered or less relevant topics removed. In 2016, we followed the GRI G4 materiality process as described in the more than one stakeholder group, b) influences multiple geographical G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Following a materiality areas, c) has long-term consequences or is of growing interest or d) is assessment conducted last year, this year we reviewed the existing very likely to occur. materiality matrix based on the outcomes of an internal desktop study. The desktop study included the review of the engagement outcomes Note with external stakeholders, results of Barclays’ sustainability benchmarks Ω Within KPMG’s limited assurance scope. Please see page 49 for assurance statement. Stakeholder engagement activity referenced in G4-24 to G4-27 is outside of KPMG’s performance, horizon scans, media analysis and regulatory changes limited assurance scope. Gener al S tandar d Disclosur Issues rFHighly significant ocus acr Financial performance es eleoss all cImportance t v an Conduct and compliance t acr Regulatory change oss geogror e stak Remuneration Specific eholder gr aphies o stak S Access to financial services and tandar oups eholders financial empowerment d Climate change risks and opportunities Disclosur Social and environmental financing Transparency es Customer satisfaction F ocus f Cybersecurity and data protection or one or tw Human capital development, incl. diversity and inclusion KP Digital access MG Assur Entrepreneurial support Human rights o k Supply chain management Employability ance S e y stak Direct environmental impact other than GHG emissions Taxation ta t eholder gr emen Significant t oups Importance to Barclays Significant Highly significant Relevant for specific business activities Group-wide significance Strategic relevance for long-term performance Key: Environmental Social Governance, incl. economic impact (refer to Annual Report and our website) Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 21

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 25 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 24 Page 26
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Shared Growth Ambition
Introduction and strategic context Introduction to Shared Growth Access to financing Access to financial and digital empowerment Access to employment The way we do business Colleague engagement and external recognition
G4 disclosures
General Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures Specific Standard Disclosures-Economic Specific Standard Disclosures-Environmental Specific Standard Disclosures-Social
Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS