Access to financing 2016 Progress overview In the first year of our new Shared Growth Ambition, Barclays helped Con clients raise capital or provided lending facilities across a range of t e Barclays delivered social and environmental segments. xt and Appr £21.1bn financing for selected social and environmental This includes environmental and renewable energy projects; social infrastructure such as housing and education, financing to supranational o segments across our business lines. and global development organisations whose missions, through education, ach health, environment and infrastructure, are rooted in shared economic growth and social equality; and lending to Small and Medium-sized Spotlight Enterprises (SMEs) in the most economically deprived areas of the UK, Green Bonds, UK Corporate Lending portfolio and Debt Capital Markets to help them develop and grow, creating jobs and accelerating economic growth in their local communities. We will continue to execute on this commitment to drive new sources of Shar £1.5bn Green Bond issuance (Source: Bloomberg). sustainable growth, provide financing to key solutions and enable ed Gr Barclays to generate returns by acting as an intermediary in mobilising o £308m provided of new (and mandated) lending to Social significant flows of capital. wth Ambition Housing clients by Corporate. We estimate that this will facilitate the We recognise that private and public sector actors are continuing to development of around 3,000 new homes in 2017. identify innovative solutions and develop supportive policy frameworks to enable the transition to a more sustainable global economy. We aim £450m for UK social housing raised from Debt Capital to partner with our clients and other stakeholders to navigate these Markets in conjunction with the Investment Bank. We estimate this will trends and deploy both our intellectual capital and convening power. We facilitate the development of a further 4,500 homes. will continue to support global partnerships such as the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, Equator Principles and the Banking Environment Initiative Gener 500MW The Corporate Bank has supported the financing of In collaboration with Sustainalytics, a global provider of ESG and al S over 500MW of clean energy in the UK and Ireland in 2016, equivalent to corporate governance research, ratings and analytics, tandar powering c220,000 homes per annum. Projects include the first we have developed a use of proceeds framework to define the qualifying energy-from-waste plant to be supported under the Contract for social and environmental categories tracked as part of our financing d Disclosur Difference low carbon technology subsidy regime and a 344MW solar commitments. The framework is available at PV portfolio in the UK. our-reporting.html. es Case study: Harburnhead Wind Farm Specific S Harburnhead Wind Farm is a 51.7MW project in West Lothian, tandar Scotland. On completion, the 22-wind turbine Harburnhead site will generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 31,000 d Disclosur homes, and is expected to contribute over £3m to the local economy. Barclays teamed up with the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ to provide es £70m term loan towards the development and construction of the wind farm. The project is one of the last projects remaining under the current Renewables Obligation subsidy regime. It is implemented through KP the joint venture vehicle, LDV Harburnhead Ltd, set up by Oxfordshire MG Assur based FIM Services Ltd, a leading independent renewable energy investment manager, and its partner and original developer of the ance S site, LDV Enel Viento. ta t Dr Wayne Cranstone, FIM’s Chief Operating Officer said, “We are emen delighted to have secured project finance through two experienced lenders such as Barclays and MUFG. It is great to be working with t both banks again and I look forward to seeing this exciting project enter the operational phase towards the end of the year”. Nial Gemmell, Director, Infrastructure and Project Finance at Barclays, said, “Harburnhead marks another significant step in developing the UK’s wind power capabilities. Working alongside FIM Services and LDV Enel Viento further demonstrates our continued commitment to the renewable energy sector where we have a strong track record in supporting quality projects.” Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 08