Global Reporting Initiative G4 disclosures Page Barclays’ disclosures have been prepared Con General Standard Disclosures t e in accordance with the Core option of the 1. Strategy and analysis 19 xt and Appr Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines 2. Organisational profile 19 o and we have self-declared reporting against 3. Identified material aspects and boundaries 20 ach GRI criteria for relevant key performance 4. Stakeholder engagement 23 indicators. 5. Report profile 25 The GRI aims to drive sustainability reporting by all organisations 6. Governance 26 by producing a comprehensive Sustainability Reporting Framework 7. Ethics and integrity 29 Shar (the Framework).The GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (the Guidelines) provide standard global principles and reporting criteria Specific Standard Disclosures* ed Gr o for stakeholders interested in management and disclosure of social, Economic 31 wth Ambition economic and environmental impacts and performance of organisations. The GRI launched its fourth generation Sustainability Reporting 1. Economic performance 31 Guidelines (G4) in 2013. This is Barclays’ third year reporting using 2. Indirect economic impacts 33 the G4 framework. A number of sector-specific indicators have been 3. Procurement practices 34 disclosed in accordance with the Financial Services Sector Disclosures document. Environmental 35 We have edited the GRI indicators description for the sake of clarity. Please refer to for full indicator descriptions. 1. Materials 35 Gener We will continue to refine our citizenship reporting against appropriate 2. Energy 35 al S frameworks over the coming years. We aim to align with the new GRI 3. Water 35 tandar Standards launched in 2016. 4. Emissions 36 d Disclosur 5. Effluents and waste 37 6. Products and services 37 es 7. Compliance 37 Social 38 Specific 1. Labour practices and decent work 38 S 2. Human rights 39 tandar 3. Society 40 d 4. Product responsibility 41 Disclosur * Including Financial Services Sector Disclosures es KP MG Assur ance S ta t emen t Within this document we report against the Global Reporting Initiative G4 Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Disclosures document. We have self-declared our reporting to be ‘in accordance’ with the Core option of the guidelines. Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 17