Introduction to Shared Growth Barclays has always played a part in driving In arriving at our Shared Growth Ambition, we recognised that we Con should concentrate our efforts on those sectors of the economy t e economic growth and societal progress. where we could have the greatest impact, and which would align xt and Appr And today, we have a greater opportunity to with our core strengths as a financial services institution. Therefore, our Shared Growth Ambition is about making decisions and o play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and doing business that provides our clients, customers, colleagues, ach facilitating inclusive, shared growth for all – shareholders and the communities which we serve with access to a now and as we develop the future of banking. prosperous future. We will do this in three specific ways, by supporting: 1. A ccess to Financing – this helps to fund crucial social and environmental infrastructure while giving us opportunities in Shar growing markets. 2. A ccess to Financial and Digital Empowerment – this ensures ed Gr o customers and communities can benefit from financial and digital wth Ambition services, while helping us increase loyalty and engagement. 3. A ccess to Employment – this addresses a major global challenge, while also building long-term demand for banking services. Our long-term aim is to create and grow a collection of products, services and partnerships that improve the lives of people in the communities which we serve, whilst providing the commercial return our shareholders deserve. In order to deliver long-term sustainable value, we consider that when Gener customers and clients do well, so do we. When the communities we live and work in thrive, we do too. And when society prospers, we all do – it’s al S not one, or the other. tandar Please refer to the 2016 Strategic Report for further information on how d Disclosur Shared Growth and delivering social value is integrated into our business model, strategy and performance measurement framework. es Specific S tandar Metrics and targets Evaluating impact d Disclosur In line with our objective of building a simplified bank focused on We believe that a combination of new tools and the growth of es delivering long-term sustainable value for all our stakeholders, we are analytical technology will enable us to continue to get better, faster now evolving our approach to performance measurement to reflect and more comprehensive information on the change that our Shared better the way in which management monitors the performance of the Growth Ambition is delivering – for society and for Barclays. Impacts Group. The framework incorporates a balance of key financial can be challenging to understand and measure, particularly when we KP performance metrics, while broadening our approach to strategic try to assess portfolio-level outcomes instead of individual initiatives. MG Assur non-financial measures, and represents an evolution from the We are, however, committed to working with internal and external Balanced Scorecard that has been used since 2013. We retain a similar partners to develop new tools and methods to best capture and focus on achieving positive outcomes for our key stakeholders. contribute to the impact of our strategy. ance S However, rathen than focusing on a few narrowly defined targets to ta t measure our performance, the revised approach allows for a more Reporting emen holistic assessment, and provides a better reflection of our progress towards the strategic goals of the organisation. Please see the We continue to report against our goals using a range of quantitative t Strategic Report for further information. and qualitative indicators, tracking both the outputs and, where Following a review of ESG frameworks, we believe it is more beneficial possible, the outcomes of our activity. for all stakeholders if we focus on understanding and reporting the Assurance impacts and outcomes of our efforts, so we are moving away from setting public targets for our Shared Growth Ambition. KPMG LLP undertook a limited assurance engagement over We will continue to have performance targets for ‘The Way We Do selected performance information in this report and the Business’ including our commitment to reducing our carbon emissions presentation of the description of our materiality process. by 30% by 2018. Please see page 15. Refer to their statement on page 49. Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 06