Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Supplier human rights assessment Society Con t e Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr G4-HR10 G4-DMA Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using Disclosures on management approach. human rights criteria o Disclosure ach Disclosure We aspire to run our business in an open and transparent manner and Barclays seeks to support human rights through our supply chain by therefore take a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. encouraging behaviours and practices that are consistent with the Barclays Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy and Standards objectives of the Barclays Statement on Human Rights. We welcome summarise our commitments in conducting our global activities free relationships with our suppliers as opportunities to improve and evolve from any form of bribery and corruption. practices with respect to human rights. These behaviours and practices consider specifically: Shar ■■ Occupational Health and Safety Anti-corruption ed Gr Indicator requirement Status o ■■ Freely Chosen Employment G4-SO3 wth Ambition ■■ Avoidance of Child Labour ■■ Working hours Total number and percentage of operations assessed ■■ Wages and benefits for risks related to corruption and the significant risks ■■ Employee freedom of association identified. ■■ Avoidance of discrimination Disclosure ■■ Grievance and Whistleblowing mechanisms. Barclays conducts a comprehensive Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption We continuously evaluate and implement laws and marketplace (ABC) Risk Assessment on an annual basis. This covers all operations globally, divided into 74 assessment units along business, functional and practices designed to avoid or mitigate negative impacts on society. geographical lines. The Risk Assessment is overseen by the Financial Gener As stated on page 34 it is a prerequisite of any prospective supplier to Crime team who monitors the completion of action plans to mitigate key al S agree to adhere to the Supplier Code of Conduct before having an risks identified. These risks tend to relate to the countries where we tandar opportunity to submit a competitive proposal. The code of conduct conduct business, how we engage certain parts of our diverse customer makes reference to a number of human rights considerations as well as base, how we manage third-party relationships or areas of our anti- d Disclosur specific reference to the Modern Slavery Act. bribery and anti-corruption control framework that require further In 2016, we established a relationship with an organisation who strengthening. specialise in driving improvements in responsible and ethical business Indicator requirement Status es practices in global supply chains. We will continue to work with this G4-SO4 partner to collect and analyse information on ethical and responsible Communication and training on anti-corruption policies business practices. and procedures. We encourage our suppliers to partner with us in achieving this goal, by Disclosure Specific S ensuring that all their employees and sub-contractors who interact with Our ABC policy applies to all businesses, functions and Barclays’ personnel, clients and customers on Barclays’ behalf, geographies globally and covers 100% of Barclays’ operations. We tandar demonstrate these Values and Behaviours. The annual supplier have a zero tolerance approach towards any form of bribery or corruption. attestation process and once every three year on-site supplier assurance The ‘Barclays Statement on Bribery and Corruption’ can be downloaded d Disclosur process for high and medium risk suppliers reinforce our expectation for from the Barclays website. home.barclays.com/citizenship/our- compliance with Human Rights and all other aspects of our supplier approach/policy-positions.html Code of Conduct. Our ABC policy, standards, procedures and training are designed to es ensure compliance with all applicable anti-bribery laws in countries in which we operate. We have a comprehensive global ABC training programme which KP consists of mandatory general awareness training delivered via the MG Assur Barclays learning management system. This training is further supplemented by role-specific enhanced ABC training (online, paper- ance S based or face to face) for areas of our business where we have identified increased ABC risks. ta t In accordance with our risk-based approach to managing ABC risk, we emen also assess whether our increased risk third parties should be required to t undertake ABC training. Indicator requirement Status G4-SO5 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken. Disclosure Please see Note 29 to the Financial Statements contained in our Annual Report 2016 which outlines our legal, competition and regulatory matters. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 40

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