Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Equal remuneration for women and men Investment Con t e Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr G4-LA13 G4-HR1 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to Total number and percentage of significant investment men by employee category, by significant locations of agreements and contracts that include human rights o operation. clauses or that underwent human rights screening. ach Disclosure Disclosure Barclays fully supports gender equality in pay. We are enhancing our Evaluation of human rights and social aspects is integrated into our reporting to ensure alignment with the UK Gender Pay Gap regulations. product development, assessment of business relationships and Human rights transaction review. New financial products and services developed should be consistent with Barclays’ human rights aspirations and any Indicator requirement Status risks or opportunities in this area should be evaluated. Shar G4-DMA Human rights is incorporated into our due diligence processes. We have ed Gr o Disclosures on management approach. a suite of tools, policies and statements that guide colleagues on how to wth Ambition Disclosure manage human rights related impacts and risks. At Barclays, we operate in accordance with the International Bill of Our Code of Conduct ‘The Barclays Way’ outlines how we expect our Human Rights, and take account of other internationally accepted colleagues to behave and the required standards of working. It makes human rights standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business specific reference to human rights and covers a number of issues and Human Rights. We respect and promote human rights through our relevant to client review. employment policies and practices, through our supply chain screening The Barclays Statement on Human Rights aims to achieve a consistent and engagement and through the responsible provision of our products and comprehensive approach to respecting human rights across the and services. Barclays Statement on Human Rights summarises our objectives and commitments in this area and is reviewed annually. Barclays Group in four areas: employees, customers/clients, suppliers Gener and communities. home.barclays.com/citizenship/our-approach/policy-positions.html al S We provide internal guidance for lending and relationship Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expected standard we have tandar of our suppliers and includes our expectation in areas such as human managers on how to integrate human rights issues into their rights, environmental management, diversity and inclusion, in addition d Disclosur assessment of financial transactions and business relationships. Using the to providing information on monitoring, due diligence and online human rights guidance tool (unepfi.org/humanrightstoolkit) whistleblowing. which we helped to develop in conjunction with other financial institutions es participating in the UNEP FI social issues advisory group, we provide Barclays further requires our main suppliers to conduct an annual guidance on: identifying potential human rights risk in lending and self-certification against our Supplier Code of Conduct. investing; assessing the materiality of the risk; and identifying possible risk All three of these documents make specific reference to the UK Modern mitigation opportunities. Slavery Act. Specific S In line with the UK Modern Slavery Act’s requirements, The Barclays Lens is a decision-making tool that provides a clear we have published our Modern Slavery Statement (https://www.home.barclays/content/dam/barclayspublic/docs/ framework to ensure that we move beyond legal, regulatory and tandar compliance concerns to consider broader societal impacts and Citizenship/Policy-Positions/MSA2016.pdf ) which outlines how opportunities. d Disclosur we are minimising the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. We will continue to work on this throughout 2017 and we will publish an updated Modern Slavery Indicator requirement Status es Statement in early 2018. G4-HR2 Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the KP percentage of employees trained. MG Assur Disclosure In 2016, we introduced a Human Rights training module which includes ance S reference to the UK Modern Slavery Act. This has currently been assigned as mandatory to colleagues in Global Sourcing and Supplier ta t Management as the Act specifically looks at slavery and human emen trafficking within an organisation’s direct operations and its supply chain. t We will look to roll this out to a wider network of colleagues in 2017. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 39