Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Public policy Product responsibility Con t e Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr G4-SO6 G4-DMA Total value of political contributions by country and Disclosures on management approach. recipient/beneficiary. o Disclosure ach Disclosure Responsible lending for retail customers The Group did not give any money for political purposes in the UK, the We support retail customers who are facing difficulties in a number of rest of the EU or outside of the EU, nor did it make any political ways. An affordability assessment takes into account the nature of the donations to political parties or other political organisations, or to any customer’s difficulties and ability to repay, to ensure that any solutions independent election candidates, or incur any political expenditure are appropriate, responsible and sustainable. during the year. For example, support for mortgage customers who meet our criteria Shar In accordance with the US Federal Election Campaign Act, Barclays could include: provides administrative support to a federal Political Action Committee ed Gr ■■ Offering short-term reductions in repayment amounts o (PAC) in the US funded by the voluntary political contributions of eligible wth Ambition Barclays’ employees. The PAC is not controlled by Barclays and all ■■ Allowing the longer-term restructuring of mortgage loans, either by decisions regarding the amounts and recipients of contributions are extending the term or reducing the interest rates. directed by a steering committee comprising employees eligible to Our teams are trained to recognise signs where customers are in contribute to the PAC. Contributions to political organisations reported financial difficulty, such as unauthorised borrowing, incurring significant by the PAC during the calendar year 2016 totalled $12,500 (2015: fees or persistent overdraft balances. This enables us to intervene at an $79,500). early stage and offer proactive advice on the best way to get out of debt We disclose on public policy engagements on a regular basis and back on track. via our website. home.barclays/citizenship/reports-and- In the UK, we help customers do this in a variety of ways, including: Gener publications/public-policy.html ■■ Reductions in minimum payment requirements for credit cards al S Compliance tandar ■■ Short-term reductions in loan repayment amounts Indicator requirement Status ■■ Longer-term plans that combine lower repayments with reduced d Disclosur G4-SO8 interest rates. Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws See the Annual Report Risk Review section for more detail on es and regulations. our forbearance programmes: home.barclays/annualreport Disclosure Policies with specific environmental and social components applied Please see Note 29 to the Financial Statements contained in our Annual Report 2016 which outlines our legal, competition and regulatory to business lines Specific S matters. Our Environmental Risk Standard barclays.com/citizenship/ our-approach/policy-positions.html applies to project related finance proposals for an asset that may give rise to environmental tandar or social risks. It is also the mechanism through which we apply the Equator Principles. These Principles are an internationally recognised d Disclosur framework for environmental and social risk due diligence in project related finance. Barclays was one of four banks to collaborate on developing the principles ahead of their launch in 2003. There are today es over 85 banks worldwide that have adopted the Equator Principles (see equator-principles.com). We consider environmental and social issues to be a mainstream KP business risk, which is why they are incorporated into our core credit MG Assur decision-making process. We are committed to undertaking environmental risk assessments of any project related finance application for more than US$10m, as stipulated by the Equator ance S Principles. We also review applications below this threshold on a ta t case-by-case basis. We have a dedicated Environmental Risk emen Management (ERM) team as a part of our Head Office Credit Risk function, together with further ERM resource in the Credit Risk function t in South Africa. In 2016, there were 410 transactions (2015: 374) reviewed in the central team, of which six were subject to scrutiny against the Equator Principles’ due diligence framework. Rigorous adherence to the provisions of the Equator Principles ensures that Barclays would only proceed with such transactions if potentially adverse environmental and impacts are appropriately mitigated. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 41