General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Stakeholder engagement Report profile Con Stakeholder group t e Non-governmental organisations and interest groups Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr Issues identified G4-28 Reporting period (such as fiscal or calendar year) for information ■■ Need for a change in values, conduct and culture, along with a provided. o longer-term outlook Disclosure ach ■■ Impact of lending to sensitive sectors Year ended 31 December 2016. ■■ Banking sector approach to managing human rights ■■ Supporting products and services that address social challenges Indicator requirement Status Our response G4-29 We engage with NGOs and other interest groups to improve our public Date of most recent previous report (if any). Shar disclosures, maintain greater overall transparency and further our ability Disclosure ed Gr to serve our stakeholders. Here are five examples of stakeholder Year ended 31 December 2015. o engagement in action: We have been reporting key citizenship performance information within wth Ambition NGOs, academics and thought leaders helped mould our Shared Growth our Strategic Report, as part of the Annual Report, since 2014. However, Ambition, joining our launch event in June to further embed collaboration Barclays has been producing a separate Annual Report since 1990 and a into the delivery model. Citizenship or CSR Report since 2002. In 2016, we have constructively engaged with a number of NGOs on These are available in our archives: for Annual Reports please see their specific areas of interest, including WWF (on world heritage sites), Christian Aid (climate change and fossil fuel financing), BankTrack (human rights and climate change) and Transparency International Indicator requirement Status Gener (financial crime and use of incentives in remuneration structures). We use this dialogue to help inform our strategy and approach to managing G4-30 al S individual issues. Reporting cycle (such as annual, biennial). tandar Disclosure Consumer groups not only hold us to account on vital customer issues, Annual. d Disclosur but impactful collaborations are deepening our ability to serve our customers. As a member of the Equator Principles, the UN Environment Programme Indicator requirement Status es Finance Initiative, the Financial Stability Board: Task Force on Climate- G4-31 related Financial Disclosures (FSB TCFD) along with being signatories to Provide the contact point for questions regarding the report or the BEI’s Soft commodities compact and the Green Bond Principles we its contents. continue to apply a stringent risk management approach to project Disclosure Specific finance and other transactions, and contribute to industry debates on [email protected]. S this and wider sustainability issues. 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP tandar We are collaborating with other European banks, as a member of the d Thun Group, to examine how the UN Guiding Principles for Human Indicator requirement Status Disclosur Rights and Business may be integrated into bank policies and practices. G4-32 Report the ‘in accordance’ option the organisation has chosen. es Report the GRI Content Index for the chosen option. Report the reference to the External Assurance Report, if the report has been externally assured. KP Disclosure MG Assur Barclays reports in accordance with the Core option of the GRI G4 Guidelines, as evidenced by this table, Annual Report and supporting disclosures. ance S ta Refer to G4-33 for details on assurance. t emen t Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 25