General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Report profile Environmental, social and reputational issues form part of the remit of Con the Board Reputation Committee (RepCo). The principal purpose of the t e Indicator requirement Status Committee is to review, on behalf of the Board, the efficiency of the xt and Appr G4-33 processes for the identification and management of conduct risk and Report the organisation’s policy and current practice with regard reputation risk. It also reviews and monitors the effectiveness of Barclays’ to seeking external assurance for the report. Citizenship strategy, including the management of Barclays’ social and o environmental contribution. The Committee’s report for 2016 is available ach If not included in the assurance report accompanying the in the Annual Report 2016. sustainability report, report the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. The Barclays Corporate Governance Report and Directors’ Report set out Report the relationship between the organisation and the the governance structure and further detail on the Board of Directors assurance providers. and Board Committees. Report whether the highest governance body or senior Shar executives are involved in seeking assurance for the Indicator requirement Status ed Gr organisation’s sustainability report. G4-35 o Disclosure Report the process for delegating authority for economic, wth Ambition KPMG LLP undertook a limited assurance engagement over environmental and social topics from the highest governance selected performance information in this report and the body to senior executives and other employees. presentation of the descritption of our materiality process. Disclosure Refer to their statement on page 49. The Group Board delegates authority for oversight of environmental and The outcomes of the assurance along with relevant recommendations social topics to the Board Reputation Committee (RepCo), which reviews are presented in the Management Report that is reviewed at senior level management’s recommendations on conduct and reputational risk and the effectiveness of the processes by which the Group identifies and and circulated to data owners. manages these risks. It also reviews and monitors the effectiveness of Gener Barclays’ Citizenship strategy, including the management of Barclays’ Governance social and environmental contribution (see G4-45 and G4-48 for further al S detail). The RepCo provides strategic direction to the management tandar Indicator requirement Status G4-34 committees and Business Unit and Functional heads, through the Group d Disclosur Report the governance structure of the organisation, including Head of Compliance. committees of the highest governance body. Identify any The Global Citizenship Council (GCC) is a management committee committees responsible for decision-making on economic, comprised of senior leaders with responsibility for providing overall es environmental and social impacts. strategic direction and leadership of Barclays Global Citizenship strategy Disclosure and driving engagement, collaboration, consistency and alignment The Board is responsible to shareholders for creating and delivering across all Business Units, Functions and geographies in relation to the sustainable shareholder value through the management of the Group’s Citizenship strategy. Specific businesses. It should therefore determine the strategic objectives and S policies of the Group to deliver long-term value, providing overall Indicator requirement Status tandar strategic direction within a framework of rewards, incentives and G4-36 d controls. Report whether the organisation has appointed an executive- Disclosur The Board must ensure that management strikes an appropriate balance level position or positions with responsibility for economic, between promoting long-term growth and delivering short-term environmental and social topics, and whether post holders es objectives. report directly to the highest governance body. The Board, in order to be effective, should demonstrate ethical Disclosure leadership and promote the Company’s collective vision of purpose, The Global Head of Citizenship and Reputation leads a range of values, culture and behaviours. Directors must act in a way they specialist teams globally and has a reporting line into the Group Chief KP consider, in good faith, would promote the success of the Company for Executive. The Global Head also presents regular updates to the Board MG Assur the benefit of the shareholders as a whole and, in doing so, have regard Reputation Committee and management committees. (among other matters) to: ance S (a) The lik ely consequences of any decision in the long-term; ta t (b) The in terests of Barclays’ employees; emen (c) The need to foster Barclays’ business relationships with suppliers, t customers and others; (d) The imp act of Barclays’ operations on the community and the environment; (e) The de sirability of Barclays’ maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct; and (f) The ne ed to act fairly between shareholders of Barclays. Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 26