Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Economic Partially disclosed Not disclosed Indicator requirement Status Economic performance Con t e G4-DMA Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr Disclosures on management approach. G4-EC1 Disclosure Direct economic value generated and distributed. A successful, vibrant finance and banking sector is an essential enabler o of social and economic progress, growth and development. Disclosure ach We report the direct economic value generated and distributed in our We focus on three key material aspects in the economic category: financial review in the Annual Report, including revenues, operating (1) Economic performance – we believe the best way to support our costs, economic value retained and dividends paid. stakeholders is by operating a strong, profitable and growing business, We publish a summary of turnover, profits, employees, which creates jobs and contributes to the economic success of the taxes paid and subsidies received by country in the 2016 communities in which we live and work. ‘Country Snapshot’ available online home.barclays/citizenship/ Shar reports-and-publications/country-snapshot.html Our strategy to deliver economic performance and key financial ed Gr performance indicators for 2016 are available in the Strategic Report. Direct economic value generated and distributed o (2) Indirect economic impacts – banks play a central role in financing VALUE GENERATED 2016 2015 2014 2013 wth Ambition the real economy; including individuals and households; small 1 Revenues (Total Income) £21,451m £22,040m £21,763m £24,044m businesses; corporates; and institutions and governments. VALUE DISTRIBUTED Our business model enables us to maintain relevance to our customers Shareholders and clients, whatever stage of life they are in. For example, for Dividends paid to £757m £1,081m £1,057m £859m individuals, our model can provide a safe place to store savings, help a shareholders first-time buyer make their first steps onto the property ladder, create an investment portfolio as wealth grows, or provide cross-border advice for Government Gener the affluent. For businesses this means being ready to help 2 entrepreneurs launch a business, fund its growth, expand internationally, Taxes paid £2,824m £3,577m £3,485m £3,374m al S 3 tandar protect against currency risk, and issue bonds and listed equity shares. Taxes collected £2,733m £2,957m £3,187m £3,044m (3) Community support – Barclays plays a broader role in the Employees d Disclosur communities in which we live and work beyond what we deliver through Group compensation £7,445m £7,301m £7,819m £8,517m our core business activities. We support communities by: 1 costs Investing money, time and skills in partnerships with respected Communities es and relevant non-governmental organisations, charities and Global investment in our £48m £63m £62.4m £72m social enterprises. Read more about our community investment 4 programmes barclays.com/citizenship/supporting-communities/ communities our-programmes.html 1. Comparatives have been restated to reflect the implementation of the Group business Specific S Enabling colleagues to use their professional skills and expertise in a reorganisation. These restatements were detailed in our announcement on 14 April 2016, accessible at home.barclays/results. range of activities, including volunteering and fundraising. Read more 2. Taxes paid are the Company’s own tax contribution, representing taxes paid or suffered tandar about our employee programmes barclays.com/citizenship/ at source by the Company in the year. These disclosures include Barclays Africa Group. supporting-communities/employees-in-action.html 3. Taxes collected are those collected from employees and customers on behalf of d Disclosur governments. The VAT collected represents Barclays’ contribution to the public finances and comprises VAT charged on sales to clients less VAT incurred on costs that Barclays is entitled to recover. These disclosures include Barclays Africa Group. 4. These disclosures include Barclays Africa Group. es KP MG Assur ance S ta t emen t home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 31