Specific standard disclosures Con t e xt and Appr o ach Shar ed Gr o wth Ambition Gener al S tandar d Disclosur es Specific S tandar d Disclosur es KP MG Assur ance S ta t Semtive emen Semtive was part of the first cohort of the US Unreasonable Impact t programme. Semtive addresses the dependence on fossil fuels with its simple, reliable, and affordable wind turbine. The design of the noiseless turbine allows it to work with limited roof space, withstand extreme weather conditions, operate alone, or function as a complement to other energy sources. With a track record of over 7 years, Semtive’s turbines can be applied to residential, industrial, commercial, and isolated areas with a lifetime warranty. For more details about Unreasonable Impact refer to page 14. home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 30

Environmental Social Governance Supplement - Page 34 Environmental Social Governance Supplement Page 33 Page 35
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Assurance Statement ANNUAL REPORTS