Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Environmental Partially disclosed Not disclosed Effluents and waste Compliance Con t e Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr G4-EN23 G4-EN29 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method. Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with o Waste produced (tonnes) environmental laws and regulations. ach 2016 14,035 2015 17,577 Disclosure Confidential paper waste (tonnes) Please see Note 29 to the Financial Statements contained in our Annual 2016 4,101 Report 2016 which outlines our legal, competition and regulatory 2015 4,814 matters. Recycled confidential Indicator requirement Status Shar 2016 4,085 G4-EN32 ed Gr 2015 4,792 o Construction waste Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using wth Ambition 2016 1,603 environmental criteria 20 Disclosure 15 1,407 Coverage Barclays recognises that the management of environmental impacts is 2016 88% integral to good business practice, as is outlined within the Barclays 2015 84% Environmental Sustainability Policy. We encourage our suppliers to join us in similar environmental efforts to implement Environmental Omissions Management Systems (EMS) as appropriate to their businesses, and Total waste excludes Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. align with best practice activities including the following: Gener ■■ Set Environmental Targets al S Products and services ■■ Reduce Environmental Impacts tandar Indicator requirement Status ■■ Report Progress. G4-EN27 We recognise that our impacts extend beyond our direct footprint. d Disclosur Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of In 2016, we built the foundation to capture and report environmental performance data from our top 40 suppliers (by spend) and in 2017 products and services. we will aim to increase the number of suppliers to 150. es Disclosure Our Environmental Risk Management (ERM) team ensures that environmental issues form part of credit risk assessment, and that environmental risk standards are clearly referenced in our credit Specific S sanctioning policies. Our property and land valuers can use our environmental screening product, Barclays SiteGuard, to assess the history of a piece of land and the operational implications of a site’s tandar current or intended commercial use. Where appropriate, cases are referred to Barclays ERM for review. In 2016, 3,639 commercial d Disclosur properties were screened, with 1,566 cases referred. Barclays fulfils the requirements of the Equator Principles (EP), an es internationally recognised framework for environmental and social risk due diligence in project finance. Barclays was one of four banks to collaborate on developing the principles. In 2016, 410 (2015: 374) transactions were reviewed in Barclays’ central credit risk team, of which KP six were subject to scrutiny against the Principles’ due diligence MG Assur framework. See page 42 for more details. ance S ta t emen t home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 37