Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Labour practices and decent work Training and education Con t e Indicator requirement Status Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr G4-DMA G4-LA9 Disclosures on management approach. Disclosure o Disclosure We continue to make substantial investment in our people through ach At Barclays, retaining, developing and attracting the best people is training and development to support them to fulfil their ambitions for crucial to our long-term success. We do this through a variety of the future. We continue to provide programmes on specific, technical leadership development programmes and training, as well as focusing subjects such as LEAN and how to work in an Agile way or on the engagement of our people through locally led, line manager understanding the financial markets, as well as training focused on owned activities. personal development, such as presentation skills, influence and impact and management and leadership. Throughout 2016 we have been We measure our progress in all of these areas in our quarterly (since Q2 increasingly targeting the way we deliver training so that only the people Shar 2016) employee survey, which also feeds into a quarterly Culture Dashboard. In addition, we measure our people in our performance who really need certain training receive it and we have focused on ed Gr reducing unnecessary duplication in a number of mandatory training o management and appraisal system – both on what they do as well as modules, which have been well received by colleagues. This, together wth Ambition how they do it. This ensures our colleagues are able to continually with an increase in the channels through which we deliver training and broaden their skills, emphasising their personal development and development (some of which do not currently synchronise with our working in a way which mirrors our Values. learning management system), has resulted in an overall decrease in the We operate in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human average hours of training per annum per employee delivered through Rights and take account of other internationally accepted human rights our LMS (see below). This is in no way however a reflection of our standards. We also promote human rights through our employment continued commitment to developing our people. policies and practices, through our supply chain and through the responsible use of our products and services. 1 Gener Barclays Statement on Human Rights summarises our objectives Average hours of training per year (2016) per employee : Split by gender: al S and commitments in this area. home.barclays/citizenship/ Female 41.64 tandar our-approach/policy-positions.html Male 37.92 d Disclosur Employment Split by employee category: Indicator requirement Status Permanent 45.79 es G4-LA1 Other 25.67 Total number and rates of new employee hires and Split by grade: employee turnover by age group, gender and region. BA1 22.52 Disclosure BA2 45.57 Specific S In 2016: the overall employee monthly turnover was 19.3% (2015: 20.32%). BA3 42.55 tandar 12-month rolling attrition was 11.1% (2015: 14.72%) BA4 46.64 All turnover and attirition metrics are based on a 12 month basis: leavers AVP 48.75 d Disclosur for the 12 month period divided by average headcount for the same VP 43.66 period. Turnover/attrition numbers are based on headcount and not D 43.23 es FTE. 2016 turnover/attrition numbers exclude Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). 2015 turnover/attrition numbers exclude Barclays Africa MD 44.97 Group Limited (BAGL). 1. Numbers include colleagues from Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). KP Indicator requirement Status Diversity and equal opportunity MG Assur G4-LA2 Indicator requirement Status Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not G4-LA12 ance S provided to temporary or part-time employees, by Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per ta t significant locations of operation employee category according to gender, age group, minority group emen Disclosure membership and other indicators of diversity. Benefits provided to full-time employees are not always provided to Disclosure t part-time employees in all jurisdictions (a minimum level of scheduled We report female, multicultural and multigenerational hours applies to qualify for Benefits). Benefits are not provided to representation in the Annual Report. For further details temporary employees. see our website home.barclays/annualreport home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 38