General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Governance Indicator requirement Status Con t e Indicator requirement Status G4-57 xt and Appr G4-53 Report the internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice Report how stakeholders’ views are sought and taken into on ethical and lawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as helplines or advice lines. account regarding remuneration, including the results of votes o on remuneration policies and proposals, if applicable. Disclosure ach Disclosure Arrangements have been put in place for employees to obtain free, Please see Barclays Directors’ Remuneration Report. independent and confidential advice on whether or how to make a whistleblowing report by calling the Public Concern at Work advice line or by visiting their website. Employees are also informed that they are able to raise their concerns directly with a regulator. When a concern is Indicator requirement Status raised, where there is sufficient information, a case is created and the Shar specific concern(s) independently reviewed. Where merited, concerns ed Gr G4-54 are escalated to senior management and where appropriate, regulators. o Report the ratio of the annual total compensation for the wth Ambition organisation’s highest-paid individual in each country of Indicator requirement Status significant operations to the median annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the G4-58 same country. Report the internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters Disclosure related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through We provide detailed disclosures on remuneration in our Annual Report; line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines. this includes additional remuneration disclosures (including voluntary Disclosure disclosures) about levels of remuneration of employees in the Barclays In September 2016, the Raising Concerns (Whistleblowing) Policy was Gener Group. See the Annual Report for more information. updated to reflect and accommodate recent FCA regulatory changes. al S This document sets out Barclays Whistleblowing process and strongly tandar Indicator requirement Status encourages our employees to raise concerns about behaviour and G4-55 practices that are counter to our Values and Behaviours. d Disclosur Report the ratio of percentage increase in annual total To facilitate the raising of these concerns Barclays provides internal and compensation for the organisation’s highest-paid individual in external gateways for employees and others connected with the Bank to es each country of significant operations to the median percentage report both confidentially and, where permissible, anonymously. Where a increase in annual total compensation for all employees person raising a concern wishes to remain anonymous, no attempt will (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country. be made to identify them. To promote awareness of the process and in Disclosure particular the gateways, the Bank delivers annual mandatory We provide detailed disclosures on remuneration in our Annual Report; whistleblowing training to every employee. Specific this includes additional remuneration disclosures (including voluntary Barclays operates a strict no retaliation policy to protect employees who S disclosures) about levels of remuneration of employees in the Barclays raise concerns and others who assist in a subsequent investigation. All tandar Group. See the Annual Report for more information. allegations of retaliation are treated very seriously. To deliver the very d best service to individuals who raise their concerns, Barclays has a Disclosur Ethics and integrity dedicated Whistleblowing Team which consists of seven specialist operatives based in London, Birmingham and New York and three es Indicator requirement Status additional employees located in Mumbai and Tokyo. G4-56 In March 2016 Barclays’ appointed a non-executive Director, Mike Ashley, Describe the organisation’s values, principles, standards and to fulfil the role of ‘Whistleblowers’ Champion’. His responsibilities norms of behaviour such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics. include ensuring and overseeing the integrity, independence and KP Disclosure effectiveness of the firm’s policies and procedures on whistleblowing MG Assur Barclays’ values are: respect, integrity, service, excellence and and on the protection of whistleblowers against retaliation as a result of stewardship. All Barclays colleagues have annual reviews, which include raising concerns. an assessment of their performance against these values. ance S In 2016, over 500 concerns were raised by employees through the The Barclays Way – our Code of Conduct – was launched in 2013, ta whistleblowing process. t replacing a number of existing codes of conduct with one unifying emen document. It outlines the Purpose and Values which govern our way of t working across our business globally. It constitutes a reference point covering all aspects of colleagues’ working relationships, specifically (but not exclusively) with other Barclays employees, customers and clients, governments and regulators, business partners, suppliers, competitors and the broader community. As at end 2016, 99.6% of our colleagues had attested to the Barclays Way (2015: 99%). The Barclays Way is available on our website. positions.html Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 29