General Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Partially disclosed Not disclosed Governance Indicator requirement Status Con t e Indicator requirement Status G4-40 xt and Appr G4-37 Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest Report processes for consultation between stakeholders and the governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members highest governance body on economic, environmental and o social topics. If consultation is delegated, describe to whom and Disclosure ach any feedback processes to the highest governance body. The balance and mix of appropriate skills and experience of non- Disclosure executive Directors will be taken into account when considering a Barclays conducts a series of stakeholder engagement and horizon- proposed appointment. The behaviours likely to be demonstrated by scanning exercises on a regular basis. These are designed to gather potential non-executive Directors will also be considered when stakeholder insight from a broad range of groups, including investors, interviewing for new appointments to ensure that an environment in academics and NGOs, and provide more detail on current and emerging which challenge is expected and achieved is maintained in the Shar reputation and citizenship issues. Results from stakeholder engagement boardroom. ed Gr and horizon scanning are communicated to RepCo. In reviewing Board composition, the Board Nominations Committee will o consider the benefits of diversity, including gender, and look to ensure a wth Ambition Indicator requirement Status geographical mix of Directors, together with representatives from G4-38 different industry sectors. The Board’s objective is that approximately Report the composition of the highest governance body and its 50% of non-executive Directors, including the Group Chairman and committees. Chairmen of the principal Board Committees, should have banking and/ or financial experience and this will also be taken into account when Disclosure recommending appointments. The Barclays Board has 13 members, including the Chairman, See Corporate Governance at Barclays 2 executive Directors and 10 non-executive Directors. about-barclays/barclays-corporate-governance.html Gener The gender balance as at end 2016 is 4 female Directors (31%) for more detail and refer to Board Nominations Committee report for 2016 al S and 9 male Directors (69%). in the Annual Report 2016. tandar Further detail on the composition of the Board, Director biographies and the principal Board Committees is available in the Governance section of Indicator requirement Status d Disclosur the Annual Report 2016. G4-41 Report processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed. Report whether es Indicator requirement Status conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders. G4-39 Disclosure Report whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also No Director will put themselves in a position where their interests an executive officer (and, if so, his or her function within the conflict or may be perceived to conflict, with those of the Group. Specific organisation’s management and the reasons for this Directors must not accept a benefit from a third party conferred by arrangement). S reason of: (a) being a Director, or (b) doing (or not doing) anything as a tandar Disclosure Director. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is not an executive officer, with d separation between the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive. If Directors have any doubts whether a conflict or potential conflict may Disclosur arise, before doing anything that might compromise the Group, non-executive Directors should consult the Chairman or Company Secretary and Executive Directors should consult the Chief Executive. es Directors are required to notify the Company Secretary in advance of any potential conflicts through other Directorships or shareholdings. If a conflict or potential conflict may arise, Directors must seek authorisation KP from the Board, in accordance with Barclays’ Articles of Association. MG Assur Once authorised, conflicts will be recorded in a Conflicts Register to ensure the Director’s duty to avoid conflicts is not infringed. Directors are also required to notify the other Directors of any potential or existing ance S transactional conflicts and may do so via the Company Secretary. ta t See Corporate Governance at Barclays emen about-barclays/barclays-corporate-governance.html t for further detail. Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 27