Specific Standard Disclosures Key Fully disclosed Social Partially disclosed Not disclosed Product responsibility Product and service labelling Con t e Interactions with clients/investees/business partners regarding Indicator requirement Status xt and Appr environmental and social risks and opportunities G4-PR5 Engagement with clients is on a case-by-case basis. If potential Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction. risks associated with a particular transaction/client are highlighted o through the ERM process, our ERM team may engage with the company Disclosure ach to discuss mitigation options, where necessary build environmental The adoption of Relationship NPS, a straightforward and highly regarded management requirements into contracts, or if appropriate action is not measurement system, provides clear focus for teams across Barclays to taken or the risks are deemed too high, we may decline support for the help us achieve our ambition in 2018. Relationship NPS is a well-established finance application. On our website we provide specific examples of how measure of satisfaction and advocacy and allows us to benchmark our policy has made a difference. home.barclays.com/citizenship/ ourselves against a broad set of brands, categories and sectors. Our Group score is generated by using a weighted average rank from key our-approach/environmental-risk-in-lending.html business divisions. Shar Managing Reputation Risk At the end of 2016, Barclays was ranked fourth. We undertake NPS ed Gr o The Reputation Key Risk Framework sets out what is required to ensure surveying wherever relevant across our business. wth Ambition Reputation Risk is managed effectively and consistently across Barclays. It helps to ensure that we: protect both our franchise and brand; meet Customer privacy strengthening regulatory requirements in this area; and fulfil our aspiration to be a responsible corporate citizen. The Framework and its Indicator requirement Status related policies outline requirements of businesses and functions in G4-PR8 establishing systems and procedures for identifying and mitigating Total number of substantiated complaints regarding reputation risk – which can arise from any decision, action or inaction breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer which is perceived by stakeholders as controversial, unethical or is in data. breach of a law, regulation or policy. Disclosure Gener The Framework supports, and is applied in the context of, decision- We have robust controls in place to protect the personal data about our al S making tools such as the Barclays Lens and the Barclays Way Code of customers that we use in the course of our business activities. tandar Conduct which articulates the purpose, values and behaviours to which all employees must adhere and which are relevant to all our business Protecting personal data is a top priority and a matter that Barclays takes d Disclosur processes, practices and decisions. extremely seriously. Barclays handles privacy complaints in line with our complaints-handling procedures, and works with privacy regulators The central Reputation Management team within Corporate Relations globally to ensure we meet legal and regulatory requirements. es provides advice and guidance on implementation of the Framework and We continually review our procedures to ensure that they comply with its associated reporting. This team handles: day-to-day referrals from the international privacy laws and we have run both external and internal business on reputation risks; participates in business level committee awareness campaigns about fraud and cyber awareness to work discussions on more material risks; advises on escalation of risks to the together with customers and employees to minimise customer data Specific S Group Risk Committee or Board Reputation Committee (the highest loss. More specifically, governance body) where required; collates quarterly business and function reports on their reputation risk priorities; and engages with ■■ Barclays has formal information risk management training for all tandar NGOs and other stakeholder groups regarding Barclays position on employees potentially sensitive or controversial issues. The team receives referrals d Disclosur from businesses and functions from all regions of operation on any ■■ Cyber Champions based in 42 locations have registered as matters that may incur material reputation risk, including economic, ambassadors to spread the word about cyber security by attending environmental and social topics. The majority of queries relate to client guest speaker sessions, monthly cyber catch up calls and receive es relationships and transactions and are raised by KYC (Know Your updates around the latest threats to help protect others Customer) and relationship teams, credit risk, financial crime, sanctions ■■ to reduce our vulnerability to cyber-attacks and to become the leading and legal teams. However, a small number involve other areas e.g.: bank in cyberspace, Barclays celebrated Cybersecurity Awareness supplier or employee issues, new or existing products and services. In month in October by organising a wealth of events to help educate KP providing advice, the team consults a broad range of subject matter our staff about keeping themselves, colleagues, customers, MG Assur experts and resources and builds consensus on the best way forward. It stakeholders and the wider bank safe online through an ongoing also participates in transaction review and business unit reputation learning environment ance S committee discussions where required. The team handled 617 referrals ■■ learning resources for information security are available to all staff ta in 2016 of which approximately half were related to specific transactions. t These referrals cover a variety of high risk countries and sensitive sectors ■■ periodic staff publications on the intranet highlight the importance of emen including but not limited to defence, fossil fuels and mining. information security t ■■ recent email publications to all staff reinforced the need for vigilance with our data home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Supplement 2016 • 43